Goodbye SMS
Goodbye SMS
Goodbye doesn’t end a relation forever. It is the promise to meet again.
Goodbye SMS
It is important to say goodbye to the old things to welcome the future. So, don’t feel bad or don’t lose heart.
Goodbye SMS
Parting is temporary,
It is not the end,
Goodbye is the promise,
We will meet again.
Goodbye SMS
You can only look into the bright side of the things when you get over the heartache. Don’t spend your time worrying about the past and let bygone be bygone.
Goodbye SMS
Let the past bury its dead,
Let go of things,
Kiss them goodbye!
Goodbye SMS
Good bye and Good luck!! Hope you’ll find success and happiness you deserve.
Goodbye SMS
I want to let you know that I have cherished every moment of our togetherness but unfortunately the fate has different plans for us.
Goodbye SMS
I will definitely miss all the moments that we have spent together. All the laughter that we have shared. I am happy that I have so many good memories to take with me.
Goodbye SMS
I know you will be hurt,
I know you will cry,
I know you will hate me,
But its time to say goodbye!
Goodbye SMS
If I am given the chance I’ll exchange the world’s wealth for you. The most difficult thing is to say goodbye when you are so close.
Goodbye SMS
Sometimes we don’t want to let go of things but we have to because it happens to be the best thing to do at that moment. Hope you’ll understand me.
Goodbye SMS
Don’t hold things in your fist,
Open your palm,
And, let them go.
Goodbye SMS
Another day, another time
Till we meet again, Goodbye!!
Goodbye SMS
Let us part for now to meet again.
Goodbye SMS
Sometimes when things simply don’t go right then it is better to say goodbye.
Goodbye SMS
We don’t understand how much we love till the person we love leaves us.
Goodbye SMS
If you are finding it hard to say goodbye then you surely are in love.
Goodbye SMS
I may have never known your value when you were with me. Now that you are gone I wish you could get you back.
Goodbye SMS
If you miss someone even when they are close you are in love.
Goodbye SMS
A man who is missed by someone back home is the richest man.
Goodbye SMS
I have been waiting for so long that I have forgotten the reason altogether.
Goodbye SMS
Love makes you feel alive,
It brightens your day,
It makes you miss the person
When they are away.
Goodbye SMS
With each passing day,
Your memories are growing
Stronger in me,
I don’t know how to let
Go of them and become
Happy once again.
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